Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review

Mytek's chief designer, Michal Jurewicz, told me. "Hypex [class-D modules] cannot drive it, the amps collapse, but this Brooklyn Amp does it with ease."

Which is pretty interesting, because the closest I could find to their specs is from ICEpower modules. :) 

I've not been able to do comparisons with Hypex vs. ICEpower amps, so I have no idea what this is about. I use both but certainly not with difficult speakers. 
@1graber2 , if we are getting technical it is a "review", not a paragraph .

@erik_squires, the part you posted was a portion of a paragraph. Now that we have cleared that up.... not sure you would want an editor, as they would suggest edits and you may or may not want to take that advice.

@elizabeth, thank you. I thought the part left out changed things quite a bit too but I guess when one takes the time to read the entire paragraph, article, review or whatever and considers all the information vs. skewing it the way one wants to read it then it isn't as fun for some. Again, thanks. 

Well, I’m sorry, I did not agree when I posted the article, I did not trim it to be scandealous, or click bait. You want to complain, pay me. Otherwise, add to the conversation.

From my point of view, and you may disagree wizabet, either way it is close to libel.

Saying the Hypex doesn’t work with any normal speker is scandalous. The Duntech Sovereigns are specified as being 3 to 4.5 ohms. That is well within what should be the Hypex’s comfort zone.

So we are faced with one of two scenarios:

1 - Mytek is hyping their amp at the cost of Hypex and all the brands who use them like Theta Digital, NAD, etc.
2 - Mytek is right.

There’s not a lot of room in between. Mytek’s Michal Jurewicz essentially just said "Hypex is not a high-end amp"

For the record, I think (but do not know) that Mytek is running an ICEpower amp. Thats cool, that’s what I use in my mains. I’m also a fan of Mytek as I use the Brooklyn as my DAC/pre.

My real point was, I personally am _shocked_ a Mytek rep would say this and let it go to print. He’d better have the juice to back that up. I have never read a menaingful critique of Hypex amps that said they were whimpy. 
BTW, it is NOT OK to brush off Mytek’s criticism as "typical Class-D"

Typical Class D is far better than that. It is a big deal if Mytek is right, or if they are lying. Those are big big claims. And I say this with the full context of the article, not one line or two.

I really expect to see lawsuits threatened over this.

Do any readers have specific experience with Hypex amps and big speakers to confirm or deny Mytek’s claims? Because sadly I do not and I would love to hear a personal experience. 

I mean, all I can say is I like my NAD D 3020, and I love my ICEpower amps, but I'll never have Duntech Sovereigns. :) 
Very confusing thread.  The Stereophile (source) article says:

"Though Mytek ultimately chose an amplifier module from the Danish company Pascal A/S, it's far from an off-the-shelf version. "We use one Pascal," Jurewicz wrote, "but the module is heavily modified.
But Erik says he thinks Mytek uses an ICE module; does he have any reason to believe the article is wrong?