Does your server alphabetize the songs, or play them in order of the orginal cd?

I have a ripped library, ripped using EAC (Exact Audio Copy); I had the same problem when ripped via JRiver. Each song in the folder is numbered, for playing in order they are on the CD - important, but extremely so when listening to concept cd's (Pink Floyd's Final Cut) or Musicals, etc. They appear in the correct order on my laptop, where they reside, but when I play them through my Oppo (connected wirelessly) the songs are listed and play in alphabetical order. Do other streamers have this problem. I only want to upgrade (I am thinking Bryston's BDP-2) if this is not an endemic problem.
What is your streamer? Do you have this problem?
System:Laptop "server"Oppo 103 as playerG.U.Interface is my T.V.Yamaha Sound bar for my speakers.
Want to upgrade toBDP-2 as server, with USB drive attachedStellar Gain Cell Dac as DAC and Pre-AmpTube Amp (not yet auditioned which one to replace my current beginner's Tube Amp (Fatman Carbon))Tekton M-Lore Speakers (already have)
I had a similar problem on my Aurender music server. The albums were played in random order and not sequential.  I discovered it was my error.  

There is a very small tab on the screen that implements random playing.  I do not know your exact problem and suggest you review your settings.
I replaced my Bryston BDP-1 with an Aurender N100H and love it.  IMHO the Aurender ‘s Maestro Conductor app is far superior to Bryston’s Manic Moose.
Before you purchase the Bryston, please at least look at the Aurender.  
No not all servers do that.

My Bluesound vault2 where I ripped all my cds too certainly does not.
My Bluesound vault2 where I ripped all my cds too certainly does not.
Does not alphabetize them, or does not play them in order that they are on the CD?
There is a very small tab on the screen that implements random playing.  I do not know your exact problem and suggest you review your settings.
The GUI doesn't have any settings button. My exact problem is that the music, as read and played through the Oppo, is alphabetized instead of playing in the order that the songs are on the CD - there is no way that I can find to defeat this alphabetization that the Oppo unit is apparently doing. I am seeking input as to whether this is a problem that other people are having with their Servers.