Recommendations for CD Player/DAC Combo

I was slightly surprised that there isn't a very large selection of CD player/DAC combos out there.  Yamaha, Marantz, Musical Fidelity, and a few others make them, but not many other companies.  It seems like building a cd player into a DAC makes a lot of sense, like an integrated amp.  Can anyone recommend one these?  My budget would $3000 tops.  Thanks, J
I think any of the 90,s Japanese CD players that had a digital output would do the job if all you want is the transport side.
I know my 2000 Pioneer does sound real sweet as just a transport into my Brooklyn DAC but I stick to analog output from it simply for the SACD usage.
You should be able to pick up a decent Pioneer, Sony, Marantz etc for between $40 to $100 maximum and enjoy years of usage
jl35... Sorry, I do have a few I particularly enjoy. However making a specific recommendation would thus make the very ones I look for scarce and overpriced.SO I defer from any comment on my favorites.I agree with uberwaltz about just picking up a good name old and now cheap player..with digital out.
You might also want to consider Naim Audio.  Their equipment sounds more natural than just about anything else.
If you fancy a bit of Tubey lovelyness try the line magnetic LM-515cd. One of the most satisfying CD players I’ve listened too and a great dac as well. Love mine.