AC Regenerator

Does anyone who has a hi end system use a AC regenerator?
If yes, how much (%) the sound becames really better?
Which is the best brand? 

Thanks a lot,

PS Audio is a great customer-focused company, and their regenerators are a good investment. I use different models on my three systems (home office, AV, and high-end audio. I am delighted.
With respect to all of the posts before mine, I'll try not to restate other observations.
I started with a P300 for my 2 channel system and then purchased a Power Plant Premier for my home theater system.  The howl it made trying to handle a plasma TV drove me crazy especially considering that the PS Audio tech staff said there was nothing wrong with it.  Finally I was able to get a response from Paul McGowan who admitted that the PPP was not able to properly handle the load from a plasma TV.  I then bought a Pure Power regenerator (made in Ontario Canada) that handled the home theater system with ease so I bought another one for my 2 channel system.  Turned out that my tube equipment did not care for the class D based product and started to make uncontrollable squealing noises.  I then fell under Paul's spell again and bought a P10.  You should remember that sinewave is the only safe mode for tube equipment and it basically is an amp so the better the power cord, the better the sound.
@bazza You said:  " You should remember that sinewave is the only safe mode for tube equipment ".  Upon what is your statement based?
Tubes work best on pure DC!! the electrons and such know their valance bands and holes to jump or get pushed into amplifying fronm the filiment
source.   LOL.   AC is just a more convient source of power in the home now. Ok OK the motors may need 60hz Synch but nowadays most all run DC PWM anyway. the physist in me had to let loose on you. sorry.
The howl it made trying to handle a plasma TV drove me crazy especially considering that the PS Audio tech staff said there was nothing wrong with it.  

switching power supplies dont like driving other swithcing PS cause the load changes inductance and capacitance so much depending on the varing Load. they like constant impeadances  like a load resistor across the output.. like driving difficult computer systems.
well known in the Server world look at the huge inductors on the main feedsw to smooth out the ride.