Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
 Good morning! Hiya everyone. :) Thanks for the welcome! @zermatt Timmy loves to talk to hi-fi folks on the phone! However, "Happy life, Happy wife," and all that...AC is a must.  At least in this tiny corner of humid New Hampshire.

We both enjoy reading these threads;  and all the independent reviews are pragmatic and sincere.  There is so much more to come! Thank you all.  ~Krissy
Hi, could you ask Tim if he thinks that doubling the thickness and doubling the treatment would be equivalent to doubling the E-Mats effect?  If it doesn't, then there's no need for a thicker E-Mat as some have suggested is possible.
Hi Steve. Tim said that the thickness has nothing to do with effectiveness....however, you can double and triple them to very interesting effect. When stacking, it is best if the two magnet surfaces are touching each other, both label sides out.  You must try a mat in your car! Krissy
Thanks Krissy.  I've been stacking them back to back, magnet side towards the equipment, so I guess that's wrong.  Also, on my large isolation transformer, I have one magnet side facing up and two on top magnet side facing down, spread rather than stacked since it would take three to cover it.  Should I change all of them to have the magnet side face away from the equipment?   And I guess I have to change the stacking protocol as well.
We had a power outage last night that lasted several hours, will this mean the breakin process needs to start over?
I had about 2 weeks on the mats.
