Looking for ideas - new mono blocks for stereo music


I am on a bit of a mission to upgrade my equipment and just recently purchased the Esoteric K-01X SACD player.
In my case, the primary focus for critical listening is stereo music (aka red book CD) from the Esoteric.
My current chain is from the Esoteric through the Marantz 8802A into the Bryston 7B-SST2 powering a pair of JBL 1400 Array speakers.
I am very happy with the JBLs and just upgraded to the K-01X (had the X-03SE before).

Right now I would like to hear some suggestions for new mono blocks. I am already planning on adding the Esoteric C-03X(s) to the system to replace the Marantz as (stereo) pre-amp.

The primary focus is detail and resolution as I really love hearing new aspects of CDs that previous equipment couldn't reveal.
Soundstage and instrument placement are also high on the list. Bass slam / impact is not really a priority since I am stuck in an apartment for the time being.
Another factor is heat - I am looking for an amp, not a space heater. Especially considering the already hot summers in Toronto!
The price ceiling for me is somewhere around $20,000/pair

My current short list consists of:
Pass Labs
Mark Levinson

Now it's time for the brainpool (that's you guys!) to have at it :)

Thanks in advance!
Yes, they're relatively new and the site hasn't been updated yet. There is a member here who remarked on having a pair when the integrated was being discussed. I think he got his some time ago from the Asian market (it's been around in various forms) but remarked how wonderful they sound.

All the best,
Krell Solo 375 Monoblocks are by far exactly what you are looking for. They have the auto-bias Class A and just have a softer way of bringing the treble. The treble is not rolled off, just not what some of these so called state of the art amps do to your ears. Krell does Class A right. No matter how many amps I put into my system, nothing sounds better with my Martin Logans. I sold all my other amps and now have 3 Krells. Currently I'm using one with the auto-bias Class A and it really works. I am constantly reminded how much a proper Class A design can produce vocals and instruments with weight and clarity that is non fatiguing. If you can't afford new, just look for used. I don't like the Evolution models, but ones before that have the auto bias technology. Bryston is great for reliability, but can't really give you what Krell does with musicality. I'm sure some like Pass Labs, and power to ya. But back to back, the Krells or D'ags with give a faster decay from instruments, and thus more natural. Let the mud slinging begin.
Yes, hearing your thoughts on your new Bryston 7BSST3 amps would be much appreciated. Especially in comparison to the Parasound JC1s

And you made a good point about resolution. I'd rather have 'too much' detail and tone things down / warm it up with wires and room treatments if necessary than end up with the opposite.

You're also perfectly right about getting the C-03X first and figuring out how the chips fall with it in the playback chain.

I honestly didn't expect to get this much feedback in my very first thread so quickly :)

Thanks for also chiming in @bigddesign3 on the Krell - they're shaping up to be a serious contender.
Good thing my dealer also carries them. Unlike the Bryston, I am not sure he has them ready to demo though.
They are also the priciest option - considering the week Canadian dollar. Oh well...

I would also like to thank everyone for keeping the exchange of ideas and suggestions so civil and on track - it's been a pleasure to read through all the comments to far!
I second the Krell concept. I highly enjoyed a 5ch version of current technology and thought it sounded great w good build and dead quiet fans. Actually very hard to tell that they are on. Worth considering and can be bought 25-30 off. 
Just saw on Ebay and also direct from HiFiHeaven in Green Bay, Wisc. a pair of Krell Solo 375 monos for $4,400.00 each. Mint condition. Authorized Dealer. Just an FYI.