Looking for ideas - new mono blocks for stereo music


I am on a bit of a mission to upgrade my equipment and just recently purchased the Esoteric K-01X SACD player.
In my case, the primary focus for critical listening is stereo music (aka red book CD) from the Esoteric.
My current chain is from the Esoteric through the Marantz 8802A into the Bryston 7B-SST2 powering a pair of JBL 1400 Array speakers.
I am very happy with the JBLs and just upgraded to the K-01X (had the X-03SE before).

Right now I would like to hear some suggestions for new mono blocks. I am already planning on adding the Esoteric C-03X(s) to the system to replace the Marantz as (stereo) pre-amp.

The primary focus is detail and resolution as I really love hearing new aspects of CDs that previous equipment couldn't reveal.
Soundstage and instrument placement are also high on the list. Bass slam / impact is not really a priority since I am stuck in an apartment for the time being.
Another factor is heat - I am looking for an amp, not a space heater. Especially considering the already hot summers in Toronto!
The price ceiling for me is somewhere around $20,000/pair

My current short list consists of:
Pass Labs
Mark Levinson

Now it's time for the brainpool (that's you guys!) to have at it :)

Thanks in advance!
I agree with many here...Having mono amplifiers does not make for a significant difference between a good stereo amplifier. The best money spent is on a good sounding system. If you think having 2 boxes is BETTER, then you are not giving a whole world of amp design a chance. Do I want to have 2 Krell mono amps over my 3 stereo amps? Not a chance. Every bit of technology is wrapped up in the proper design of the amplifier itself. I'm sure that many that are "in the know", have an understanding of what it takes to make for an amplifier that does the same thing as 2 mono amplifiers. Amplifier 101 is that there is a way to use power supplies, and transistors in a way that makes them not wanting for help. High Current amplifiers are designed to work in many different ways. But the common denominator is to have an amplifier feed enough current and have a design that brings the sound to it's finest output. If you think that mono amplifiers are superior to stereo, well that is just your opinion. To this day.... a proper Class A design will be the best sound. I am not a guru, but a person that liked a few Class D amps. And then hour after hour, I jumped ship with Class D. Still have not found a replacement for a good Class A sound. The auto bias feature with Class A will save the cooling and electric bill. But if you have to warm up your amp for longer than an hour or two.... maybe you should find another brand. Some of the best amps ever are stereo. And they are also Class A. My take on the mono crap. What if both monos don't match? OMG

@bigddesig3 - I think you are pushing too hard on your sell. There’s many different opinions and actually many different configurations that would work great in different system synergies. There are elements of monoblock amplifiers that will be superior to stereo amplifiers (depending on size and design). One aspect is completely dedicated power supplies. Stereo amps will usually share a transformer and/or the actual power supply. The exceptions are stereo amplifiers that are built as "dual mono" amps (where each amp channel has a dedicated transformer and power supply).

Another aspect is size of power supply - which generally affects the ability to drive certain speakers. A larger power supply can give more muscle in the bass/midbass area. Granted, speakers with higher impedance (such as flat 8 ohms) or easy to drive speakers make it less critical for big power supply. But many woofers nowadays will actually drop down to 2-3 ohms at times. Some drivers are extremely hard to drive. Class A output can definitely smooth out an amp circuit that is usually bright/thin, but only a large power supply will give you that bass heft. I have compared multiple amps with different size power supplies.

Finally, monoblocks are usually a fully balanced differential design on the power output. I totally understand that there is much controversy in the industry as to whether or not balanced differential output is better than single ended, but I usually have found differential is better. There are some stereo amps that are fully differential (many Pass Labs stereo amps are balanced/differential output).

I’m not arguing against the idea that Krell Solo is a very good amp. We just need to keep an open mind and have a complete understanding on what to expect with each amp choice.

To this day.... a proper Class A design will be the best sound.

I actually disagree with this completely. Class A can be very good in some scenarios, but it will not provide the absolute best sound because of different system synergy and different personal tastes.

--More to come on this Class A thing - I’ve been listening to these Parasounds closely this weekend and I’ll write up more on this after I get a good listen to Bryston 7b3.

@auxinput. You are right about that some offer the fully balanced differential design.
I own 3 Vintage Krell amplifiers. The amount of power supply, capacitors, output transistors and protection is pure overkill. The ML Montis speakers drop down to below 1 ohm at times. My KSA-250, KSA-200S, KST-100 have some kind of sound that fills in, instead of applying more db levels. Most volume controls turn up the sound level and thin out what's playing. Not what I own. It's going to get fuller the sound before it gets louder. This is my best way to explain it.

Let's get this straight..... I am fully open to what you have to say about what you are up to, and that there may be a better world than Class A. 
I spent a lot of time (40 years) perfecting Car Stereo to audiophile standards. Since 1970 for my Home Stereo beginnings, and in the back room with many audio circuit designers.
There is not a day that I cannot learn from others. I welcome anything that brings more to the table.

I listen to all types of music on TIDAL quite a bit now. Funny how I used to listen to my CDs or FLAC files a lot more. But now, I like to explore new worlds in what's out there. Latest is from Jamaica artists combining club music with the Island Vibe. Or female artists that are new and exciting. That's what we all are here for.

Been about 8 months since I have finally said my system is finished........ done
You should try a pair of Linn Klimax Solo Chakra 500 monoblock amps. I used to own these in my all Linn Klimax setup and system driving the Linn Klimax 365 passive speakers. But I've moved away from all Linn Klimax setup and system and upgraded my gears couple times since then. I used to be a huge fan of all Linn setup and system or the so-called Linnie. My two-channel rigs used to consist of all Linn Klimax stuff as well as the Linn LP12 Klimax version turntable package with all Linn Klimax PSU. 

But I have no idea how these Linn Klimax Solo 500 monoblock amps will perform and sound on your JBL. They sounded very musical in all Linn Klimax setup and system paired with the Linn Klimax 365 speakers. These are great amps and sounded very natural / organic. 

Let me get back on the whole mono blocks vs stereo amps part. I've never said that mono blocks sound better but I stated my reasons for preferring mono blocks - mainly more flexibility in terms of placement.
Not saying I won't consider a great stereo amp but the initial goal is finding a feasible list of mono blocks.

And that's the other part - feasibility. While I appreciate all the feedback and ideas, please keep in mind that even in a big city like Toronto, there are only a limited number of hifi stores left and I can't try some of the exotic amps some of you mentioned.
Neither will I go down the 'import from the US route'. It's really not worth the hassle, not to mention that aboot (see what I did there?) 95% of the sellers won't ship to Canada anyway. And don't even get me started on the state of the Canadian dollar... *sigh*

I've got a good idea of which amps I can actually listen to and that will be my short list in the end.
No matter how good something might be for another forum member in their system, if I can't demo it somewhere, it's not going to make the list.