TV Selection: Two Questions

I want to take advantage of the Circuit City liquidation sale and pick up a flat panel. My budget is about $1,000 (which should be plenty with whatever extra discounts are available.)

1. Most interested in LG or Samsung models. Watch Tv mostly at night, just news, b.s. programming. Movies once or twice a month from cable or DVD. Any recommendations? Want to shopt today.

2. Viewing position is mostly straight on about 12 feet from screen. What size?

you can pick up a 1080P 46" LCD from most of the online merchants. I am not a big fan of LCD, I like plasma more, but could not resist the low price on Amazon before Christmas.
Your room matters a lot. Bright rooms, go for an LCD. If not bright light, Plasmas will definitely look better. Sony's are really good as well as Samsung and Panasonic. Pioneer is the best but also the most expensive.
There are no deals at the Circuit City closeout. You will actually pay less if you wait for a best buy sale....or buy from Amazon or other quality internet seller. In fact most HDTV's are now selling for more at the circuit city closeout than they were at circuit city before the closeout. Don't even bother to go will overpay.

at 12' you want a MINIMUM of 52" 9' our 52" is too small for sports or nature programs. You can watch sitcoms and news on anything.

Plasma sets run much hotter than LCD's (heat up the room) if that's a concern. Stick with Samsung, Sony, Toshiba and you'll be OK on 52" LCD's....others are almost as good.
I agree that you will want at least a 52" TV. I have a viewing distance of about 8', and the 52" seems "about right". It could even be a little bigger and I would be perfectly happy. At 12' you won't want anything less than 52".

Thank you everyone. I think I'll get a 50". Not sure yet about LCD vs. Plasma. Will do a bit more research.
As far as Circuit City, they are ridiculous. I did go just because I was nearby. The parking lot was full. No one was buying a thing. The prices were about 30% higher than Amazon prices. Yes, 10% off full list is what they were offering! Crazy.

One last question. I still hear that Plasma has a short life expectancy. Is that accurate?