Just wanted to introduce myself.

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ryan. I'm a young reel to reel and vinyl fanatic. I have several TEAC reel to reels, my favorite is my A-3340S. My username is my nickname, as I have a lisp on "S," which resembles a snake's hissing. Anyway, just wanted to say hey.
Ryan (Or Kaa, or Snake, whatever you want to call me. :) )
@lowrider57 Hey! Hope things are well. The thing that got me fascinated into reel to reel and analog recording formats was the Beach Boys and the Beatles. They used 1/2" 4 track Scully 280 machines, I think. I had a few home vinyl record cutters made in the 40s for voice use, but I wanted to go a little farther with sound fidelity and go to what my hero Brian Wilson used to make his masterpieces (he and I chat on Twitter a lot.) I first started using 3 3/4 IPS and 7 1/2 IPS decks to get my feet wet with analog, but I soon wanted something better, bigger, and more accurate. I spent 2 months struggling to find the perfect deck, I got a TEAC 80-8 deck off eBay, but the guy had no way to deliver it, so that was out. I looked and looked for much longer, until my dad surprised me with something amazing. He had purchased a MIB TEAC A3340S from a seller named hifi on eBay, the deck ran at 7 1/2 IPS AND, my favorite part, 15 IPS, the professional studio recording speed! I've loved that deck ever since, and I don't want to replace it anytime soon. I currently have a Roberts (Akai) 1725 tube recorder (not fully working), a TEAC A1200U, (Perfect working condition,) and of course, the TEAC A3340S (Mint condition perfect working machine.)
Also, @lowrider57 , I buy tapes off eBay, usually used, I like older Scotch tape from the 50s-early 60s, (150, 190 acetate, 290, 203, etc,) as they have no sticky shed and sound amazing. I then splice the 7 inch reels onto plastic NAB 10.5" reels and use them like a professional. :)
Nice deck @orpheus10 ! 3 speed deck with my favorite speed, 15 IPS! Great stereo mastering deck, I bet. :)