Just wanted to introduce myself.

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ryan. I'm a young reel to reel and vinyl fanatic. I have several TEAC reel to reels, my favorite is my A-3340S. My username is my nickname, as I have a lisp on "S," which resembles a snake's hissing. Anyway, just wanted to say hey.
Ryan (Or Kaa, or Snake, whatever you want to call me. :) )
This is all so interesting Ryan. I had a Sony TC-558 for many years and used it to make mix tapes of songs on albums. The sound quality was great. I'm all digital now but I love reading about this and have great memories of my machine and those days.
Wow! nice @bdp24 ! I know Mr. Al Jardine well, he's the "cranky" guy of the group, and the only original member of the Beach Boys in Brian's band, except for Brian himself. I know Mr. Blondie Chapman, but I don't know the rest of the band except for Mr. Wilson, Mr. Jardine, and Mr. Chapman. 
I wouldn't George Martin if he was still alive today would want to work in my studio @lowrider57 . I don't think he would do it for $20,000,00! Abbey Road Studios was his go to place for recording, and they had much better equipment than me.