Phono cable and preamp for soundsmith Carmen mk2

A year ago I decided to update my stereo system and soon after also thought I should be able to play my vinyls (not played in 15-20 years).
I started of with a modest turntable, a used project 2Xperience SB(~1500$), supplied with original turntable cable (PRO-JECT CONNECT-IT E for ~50$). Cable has low capitance but is porly shielded.
Didn’t have a clue about what pickup to choose. After a recommendation I purchased a Soundsmith Carmen Mk2, a moving iron cartridge. I believe it can be used with an improved setup.

For preamp I bought a project Phono Box DS2 USB(~500$), I thought it would be nice to be able to record some of my old albums. I did set it up with a optic cable towards my amplifier. Something was missing, I learned that it was a mistake to use optic cable, the sound was clear but not analog. Now I use a Pangea Premier Interconnect (RCA) between phono preamp and amplifier.

This weekend I have evaluated better turtable cable, a Oyaide PH-01RR RCA-RCA (170$) with total capacitance:160pF (cable 100pF/m ). It was an improvement, mostly due to shielding I belive.
It is said to be designed for MM, but to my knowledge has rather high capitance:
I have now learned that MM cartridges should be used with cables of low capitance, I assume that is valid for MI as well. One of the recomended, at my current price range and knowledge, is Furutech AG-12 R4(~500$). Do not know if the furutech is the best for MI/MM.

- Any suggestion regarding turntable cable (2rca->2rca+ground)?
- What are the parameters I should look into?
- Should I go for a silver cable? Shielding and contacts?

Considering updating phono preamp to Soundsmith MMP3 mk2 Phono Preamp, should match the Carmen. Can’t find many reviews. Max phono preamp cost perhaps 1500$.
The aim is that the preamp could be used with a better turntable, perhaps a VPI scout. Will turntable cable caracteristics have impact on the MMP3 settings and finally sound properties/quality?

I’m not a true audiophile but I appriciate ”good” sound quallities!
I do not have possibillty to try to many types of cables due availabillity and distance to shops.


Ps Sorry about the poor english, I from Sweden :-)

I run a Carmen mk.II on a VPI Prime with a Parasound JC3+ and use Purist Audio Design, the Venustas (<sp?) family for the phono cable. I got my cable used.

Sounds dynamic mic and natural.

Highly recommend cable and phono pre.

by the way The Cable Company will let you audition as many cables as you want, then when you decide what you like, you order through them. I did that. Loved the experience. 
What is the output voltage of your pickup? If it’s a couple of mV’s or more, you need only the 42-44dB gain provided by the mm version of the Herron VTPH-1 or -2. Keith Herron sometimes has a used VTPH-1 that was traded in on a TVPH-2. I bought a VTPH-1mm from Keith at a great price, and he went through the phono amp, upgrading some parts and installing new tubes. Can’t be beat for the price (less than $1500).
@hook68 - Look for used.  A Herron Audio VTPH-1 is an outstanding phono stage and probably could be found in your price range.  Like @bdp24 wote, Keith Herron takes trades.  He might be a good source for a deal on a used unit.  Email is your friend with that 7 hour time difference.
Dear @hook68: MI cartridges are different than MM ones and are lmost non sensitive to capacitance at the same level than MM designs, so don't worry about the IC cable capacitance.

In the other side you can take the very good advise other gentleman already gave you for a better phono stage: Parasound. You can try too Ayre or Simsaudio, all 3 outperforms any phono stage that comes with tubes inside.

Yes, if you can do it silver IC cables always makes a difference for the better and if you can a tonearm internal rewire is mandatory too.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,