Kef R series or Tannoy Revolution Series?

Hello folks!
In my never ending search for the perfect sound, given my limited budget...

Currently I am using a pair of Paradigm Monitors I bought in the late eighties and shockingly they still sound great to me but am in the "upgrade itis" situation, amp is the Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated. 

I am considering 2 speakers, the Kef Q 750 and the Tannoy Revolution XT 6F.
Can anyioe advise, have you heard both? 
I understand that the Kefs are the absolute entree level, but with 2 kids in college, that's the budget boys and girls!

Let me know what you all think please!
I had the prior TANNOY REVOLUTION DC6 standmounts in my “B” system before upgrade.


I heartily recommend them.

— Paired with quality build British source and integrated amp, you won’t be disappointed....WHAT HI-FI 5 Star performer

— one big caution.....their strengths (very revealing) can become warts if they cheapened by being paired instead with a receiver or similar low-fi Electronics

Both of these speakers are great, we are a Kef dealer and we were a Tannoy dealer years ago. 

The new Kef Q series are very impressive in terms of bass response, imaging and they have a nice balance between smoothness and detail.

The Tannoy's are a more exciting speaker with a bit less bass punch, and a slightly more aggressive treble. 

Personally I would look at the old R series which are stil better sounding and dealers are clearing their display stock cheap, we have Kef R 500 for $1,400.00 with full warranty which are $2595 new,

Just something to consider. The R series also has a much nicer  reall wooden cabinet. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ