upgrade from Mini Dancer 2 DMD $5-10k

Hello all,
Looking to upgrade from a pair of Usher mini dancer 2 DMD.
Like many audio/musicophiles, I have owned multiple speakers in the past, through a series of upgrade/downgrade… all to various degrees of satisfaction…
In the speaker department, I had tremendous fun with various studio monitor speakers from french Brand Divatech (quite fantastic at the time), then on to notable speakers such as Kef 203/2, Wilson Audio Watt-Puppy 8s and most recently a pair of Usher Mini Dancer 2 (dmd).
The resolution on the Mini Dancers is incredible. Imaging is great. High-volume is possible (and manageable). But the low end has never been satisfactory to me. The absence of it I mean. I tried multiple amps and currently power them with a Usher 1.5.
Bass is just not there. I have experimented with the mini dancer in multiple rooms and set up. I also fiddled with a beringher DEQ24/96 to help out… and it did… but the laws of physics are here, and while at very high volumes you can get decent bass, at lower volumes I have heard multiple bookshelf speakers that provide more bass than the MD2.
I ended up adding a velodyne DD10+ to help in the bass department. But adding a sub introduces an additional level of complication and isn’t very satisfactory to me (musically).
So here I go: I am looking for a true full range $5-10K speaker (new or used). Fairly detailed and neutral to warm… Musical I guess… (With the absence of bass, the mini dancer tend to sound dry and forward)…. The KEF 203/2 was very good, but hard to come by. And I wouldn’t mind a bit more bass.
My living room is fairly large. About 30x15 and 8 feet high… that’s part of the problem. The speakers will need to fill that space. Here in Seattle, I went and audition Naim, PSB and Totem speakers (S600, Forest and I can’t remember the PSB). I didn’t enjoy the Naim at all… the Totem were pretty good (a bit of warmth)… the PSB were nice and clean but not very inspiring… Ideally I would buy a pair of Wilson Audio Sashas, but I cannot afford them (and the Sophias II I heard in the past also lacked bass, probably due to wrong amp pairing) …
I am not a big fan of the B&W sound… larger usher speakers are too big… therefore now reading about Aerial 7t (or model 9), verity audio or wild cards such as ATC SCM50 (also hard to find/afford)… most of them are hard to find in Seattle for a listen….
Music? Well, I will listen to Miles, Coltrane, Bach, Roy Hargrove, Common, Metallica, Ray Lamontagne, Daft punk, chamber music, Piano, occasional intimate French movies or Hollywood blockbusters… you get the picture… everything!
Please let me know your thoughts!
A friend of mine upgraded from the md2 to the dynaudio c4 mk 2 second hand. He no longer has the bass issue :)
Thank you for your response. I've actually been wondering if dynaudio would be my type of sound... There is a nice pair of c2 mk1 for sale here on audiogon...
Seems a little strange since the MD2s are rated down to 28Hz, although I noticed a reviewer placed them six inches closer to the front wall than usual for speakers of this type so you appear to not be alone in thinking them a little bass shy. And since you've heard monitors with "more bass" than the MD2s it seems like it could possibly be a voicing thing maybe in the midbass and not just low bass you may be lacking?

If that's possibly the case you might give the Joseph Audio Perspectives an audition if you have a dealer within a reasonable distance. There appears to be a Vandersteen dealer in the Seattle area so the Quatros may be an interesting alternative as well as they have built-in subs. Best of luck.
Thank you for your perspectives. Is there a way on audiogon to share images? I would love to show you the room and the set up to add elements for discussions. Although, like i said, i have tried them in multiple rooms and they while they become fuller at louder volumes, at moderate levels they are very bass shy...