Kef R series or Tannoy Revolution Series?

Hello folks!
In my never ending search for the perfect sound, given my limited budget...

Currently I am using a pair of Paradigm Monitors I bought in the late eighties and shockingly they still sound great to me but am in the "upgrade itis" situation, amp is the Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated. 

I am considering 2 speakers, the Kef Q 750 and the Tannoy Revolution XT 6F.
Can anyioe advise, have you heard both? 
I understand that the Kefs are the absolute entree level, but with 2 kids in college, that's the budget boys and girls!

Let me know what you all think please!
“We are experts on Kef ........”
audiodoctor 9/2/18

ummmmm....apparently not the case
No the Q series have a veneer which is very polished it may be wood but looks like plastic and they have ridiculous bass punch that was our point vs R series.

Yes the Tannoys are very good and do tend to sound quite dynamic.

The new Q series are one of the most technologically advanced speakers at their price point and the new Q tend to sound smoother then the LS 50 but dont have their superor clarity.

So Bill Fail you failed again. The cabinetry on the R are fantastic.

Again sold Tannoys for years always liked them.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I didn’t fail, you were wrong on the solid wood. Some “expert”.
Excuse meant real wood veneer hey fail dont u have any thing better to do. 

Oh yes you are an expert because?

We have Kef Q and R series on display 

Lets read Hans Wenzels review judge for yourself
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