Qobuz Coming to America Soon!

Looks like the French streaming service Qobuz will be coming to the U.S. soon:

Oh, boy, I can’t wait. Jerry Lewis, 24/7, coupled with arrogance. 🚽🔚
If the prices in the linked article are correct, Qobuz is going to cost less than what had been previously reported. It would be just $5 more per month than Tidal, or just $10 more for a full year if one pays upfront. Color me interested. Betcha lots of other Tidal subscribers will be, too.
-- Howard

Bonjour, quand Qobuz sera t’il disponible aux Etats-Unis?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Bonjour...
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 08:57:36 +0000 (GMT)
From: support-help@qobuz.com <support-help@qobuz.com>
To: usery

We are working for.
We hope open at the end of the year.

Best regards.

Customer Service
Qobuz - Xandrie,
Centre d’activité de l’Ourcq,
45 rue Delizy

"...coupled with arrogance"
maritime51: don't mistake disallowing fools for arrogance