MAKER NL+ AMP OWNERS Please remove your tops..... HELP!!

Good day all... I have run into a very strange and complicated situation, and I would greatly appreciate your help.... I would like the owners of the MAKER NL+ amp... to take pictures of the internals with the top or side removed... we have the need to see what the internals look like.... after we have received a few pictures, we will be able to come to a decision and state why this is so critical...

Thanking all members in advance for any help....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtutone
I thought I have heard everything. This is bad. Glad you are getting a full refund. Enjoy ! MrD.
Yes, I have shipped it back, still hurting from the scam/fraud... you should have seen the crap Maker was trying to pass off as a NL+, it was terrible, we have a fully documented letter we are going to release soon so no one else is ripped off by Maker....he is only response was to block me from emailing him all the things wrong with the amp he sold me as at NL+. From the crapping shipping box and amp wrap, to the half hacked install of cheap Chinese knock offs available online for peanuts...  He claimed it was defective.... what a joke, defective means it didn't work with the correct internals. Scam is when none of the correct internals are even installed in the first place... 

I am very curious as to the read on this and the actual weight of a once $57k amp... if you weight it in comparison to the reviews.
Maker sent me pictures of a real NL+ amp, with the real internal boards and transformers, and yes it looked awesome, but instead of just sending me a replacement amp, he only agreed to a refund, would not send me a replacement. Maybe he was worried I would have a techie check out a real one and find out something he didn't want us to know? Still puzzles me...
When they shipped it, they should have realized it only weighted like 40 odd lbs when a real one is in the high 80 range. It came in a crappy insulated box wrapped in what looked like a old t-shirt type of material... no idea why this didn't strike me as strange... but you never know with individual run businesses.
Should have checked right away instead of trusting him.