A certain online retailer asked me for a review of Pangea power cords..

Here is my response                                                                                    
"Way back when the Pangea AC9 was introduced, I bought one. My first aftermarket powercord. I didn't think a powercord could make any difference! Put it on my Forte' 4 amp, and immediately noticed better bass response. I was hooked.Since then I have upgraded everything in my system, but I stick to Pangea power cords.Just last night, listening via Rudistor RPX-33mkII headamp and Sennheiser HD800 (bought from Audio Advisor) I was, beside listening to Deep Purple "Machine Head" checking out some new outlets. And the difference was easy to hear, via the Pangea AC14SE MKII Signature powercord. The Pangea powercrds ARE GREAT, no question. Thanks Pangea dude, for creating them, and thank you Audio Advisor, for offering them to the public. I now listen to my Magnepan 20.7s, Marantz SA-10, Conrad Johnson ACT2, Kuzma Stabi Stogi S turntable. ALL using Pangea powercords.My system is no slouch, neither are Pangea powercords.
If I were to offer one suggestion, Start a line of AC14SE, and AC9SEPangea with pure copper Rhodium plated plugs.and Cryo'ed.
Thanks in advance Pangea Dude! You are a HERO.to all of us who enjoy Pangea power cords."So.. any comments?
Elizabeth , great review. I tried the AC9SE cords in my system and heard the following:   Connected to my GE Triton Ref speakers, they gave great power delivery, could not find any faults.  Connected to my amp, preamp or any source components and it sucked all the life out of my system so I went back to the Shunyata cords I was using.   Stiill using the Pangea power cords with my speakers. 
I like the AC9SE mkII Signature on my Bryston BP-26 preamp. Better than the AC14 Se mkII Signature. Before I started using the Singnature series, I was using original AC9SE.The earliest AC9 and AC14, at this point in time, I can say they are really not very good. The ones I own sit in the closet... I would not sell to another audiophile. (Maybe the AC9 would be good for a 'steam punk' computer??) The original AC9SE, and AC14 SE, are 'OK' sounding, just a little duller, and WOULD be good to ameliorate an audio system's digital grunge, in general!, and I still use a few for like video and TV etc.So I can relate to someone saying the old Pangea they tried were not that great. (I liked them, as I had no other reference. (and actually as a fault, still have no other manufactured PC to compare to. Except 2 handmade Quad MilSpec 12 gauge silver plated Teflon with Furutech 28 Rhodium plugs, The same wire with basic Wattgate really are not very good sounding now, that I use Furutech duplex. The handmade PC are pretty good. and about equal to the Pangea, just a little different (mainly I think in the Rhodium plating).An aside. Like Bryston equipment, some folks diss' Pangea saying 'not enough' Yet with a bit of other 'massaging; they shine. Perhaps if I bought other products I would say wow better. But at he moment, I am with what I have. and it sounds pretty good to me.So I do have to say my 'expertise' is lacking comparisons to other powercords abilities. But I am also confident in that what i hear is pretty good.
I’m glad they work for you. I wish they worked for me as I could have saved a ton of money. 
Pangea AC14SE MKII

Pros: Low noise floor, build quality, price

Cons: rolled off highs, sounded veil, maybe because of the gold plating,
although YMMV

I agree with the option of Rhodium plated.