Pieces of music that digital can't get right

Ok I have a litmus test for digital when ever I have the rare option of upgrading my digital front end. Its tough on digital. Brutally tortuous and unforgiving. Digital proponents have a difficult time accepting these sonic tests. 
1. Ok here is the first one. On the opening of America's "Ventura Highway" the opening dueling guitars are ambient and bounce off each channel very pleasantly in the analog domain. In the digital domain the channels are totally separate and too clean and sterile lifeless sounding. They are  not talking to each other It was like this with ny Marantz 8005 but the SA-10 gets halfway there.
2. In the opening of "I Feel Fine" by the Beatles the electric guitar sounds alive with ambiance and decay. The Digital is clean and lifeless.
 Ok am I right with these observation?. I have a pretty good SACD player in SA-10. Its no slouch. Do the mega expensive super smart and accurate DACs get my two above mentioned  passages right? Or are we hearing colored vinyl artifacts. Well if we are I like the record better!
Every source device may require unique tweaks to get optimal results, whether in same or different systems.

I would go one step further and say "every source device does require unique tweaks to get optimal results".


"Old proverb: A man with two clocks never knows the correct time."

It turns out that in order to get all sample-rates, digital requires two different base clock frequencies, so digital uses two clocks.....

There are a number of effects that you could be hearing here:

1) pressing is different

2) your digital front-end/DAC is not up to snuff - too much internal jitter or too much distortion from the D/A in the CDP

3) your commercial disks are creating too much jitter - treat them and apply a rubberized coating to the tops to reduce jitter.  Rewrite the disk to a good quality CDROM disk like Mitsui gold audio master.

Steve N .


For me personally, I don’t use multi-source same system settings for doing any referencing.
I'm not even sure what this means.

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