Esoteric x-03

How is this as a dac + transport unit? If I got one I would intend to use the built in dac. Any thoughts?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
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Considering the build quality of it and it uses the vdrs transport, $3500 (CAD) asking price doesn’t seem to bad, and If it’s got a respectable dac, even better.
I bought my UX3 which retailed for $8500 and also uses the VRDS NEO transport for $4000.  it was branded by Esoteric as a exhibition stock which means it was on static display at a few audio shows.  It looked brand new when I got it.  If ,you buy the X-03 it will be the last CD player you will ever need.  I would go for it. 
I would but my boyfriend would kill me lol. Just trying to see what other owners or ex owners thought of it.