KEF blades 2 or Dynaudio C4?

Hi guys, I am trying very soon the Luxman monos M900. I am wondering based on your experience and knowledge which speakers of these two would be a better match for them?
My room 18x12. High ceilings.
I prefer low volume music effortless neutral sound. I had owned KEF 3 and I liked them a lot.
But today I asked three dealers and I got mixed opinions. 
I do appreciate your time giving me your opinion. Kind regards.
Thank you.

@ wcfeil
Well we are just stating our personal, subjective opinions, that is all :) .
By the way , I ve met  and spoken with  David, the Audio Doctor  many times within the last 30 years, both at  the Sound by Singer and the Innovative Audio, and after he opened his shop, and have to say that he is one of the nicest (if not the the nicest), most friendliest, patient people in the NY audio scene and in general. The fact of matter is that is we all hear differently & have different sonic priorities  when it comes to acoustical transducers, that is all... However if I were interested in any equipment that David carries , he d be my first choice by a long mile.... So I don't understand the animosity toward a fellow audiophile who also has brick/ location (too few of those left!!!) and trying to make a hard buck dealing with an obsessive compulsive crowd with so many phobias and syndromes that would have many a shrink committed. I should know, I used to be (or still am) one of those ;) . In any event  there is that Syntheisis tube  kt - 66 amp from Italy that I have been lusting over for a while, that Audio Doc carries, so may be I will pay him a visit sometime soon... ;)


The rating in the Stereophile has lost much of its meaning/cache  a long time ago, and has been just guide, nothing more ...May be to scratch some owner's egos .... You of people  should know that....We should use our own ears ... As a matter of fact same goes for Robert Harley's reviews... His rave (of most everything he he does) "reviews" are like mark of death, in the opinion of many an audiophile who have their hearing intact and some familiarity with the sound of live classical music.... Julian Hirsch (if you still remember him) would be proud.... Again strictly (not) IMHO ... :)
 Cheers  fellow inmates ....and enjoy your Sunday morning  rendezvous with your music before NFL starts...


"Well we are just stating our personal, subjective opinions, that is all :) . The rating in the Stereophile has lost much of its meaning/cache a long time ago, and has been just guide, nothing more ...May be to scratch some owner's egos .... You of people should know that....We should use our own ears". I love how you chose to defuse the situation by simply stating it's your personal, subjective opinion in lieu of arguing. I couldn't agree more with your statements. I just wish "we" could learn to respect each other's opinions and stop all the nonsense that goes on when our opinions differ.
I’m confused.  Are storeowners comparing store size and audio conquests? Seems odd and who really cares.  Didn’t know the audio industry had so many blowhards.

@mountainsong has this thread helped?  If you like the KEF sound I would stick with them.  I have heard both at audio shows and the c4 recently at someone’s home (not the newest version). I thought they were good, but not impressed given the $$. However,  I give the edge to the KEFs.


The issue is when certain people attack others for no reason.

When you are a displaying dealer it kind of makes you an expert on that product, hence one must question the motivation of someone who has never sold that product, which then leads to the discussion of the expertise of lack of expertise of  both parties. 

The kind of store and the products you sell set a benchmark on to the type of dealer you are either you are an A list dealer selling the best brands of gear which are not easy to get those franchises or you are not,  it is like selling Mercedes or BMW vs selling a much lesser known less respected car, that is not to say that some of these lesser known audio brands are not good, but as mentioned before there are benchmark products that many brands are going to be compared to so by having those products it does help to establish your frame of reference. 

Kot thank you for your kind words you kind of have me at a disadvantage, can you PM so I know who you are? As per the Synthesis the A100T is one incredible intergraded tube amp and the built in dac is really quite good.  If you have never visited our store please come in for a visit we have some really cool gear on display, including Naim reference stack, T+A gear, KEF, Dali, Paradigm, Legacy, ATC, Rethem, Quad, Cabasse speakers, CJ, Manley and so many others. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ