First Sound?

I've enjoyed a Presence Deluxe for over 15 years, recently upgrading to  Mk III status.  Its in my tube system along with a Berning ZH-270 and Merlin VSM's.  I now also have a SS system in a larger room consisting of Clayton M-300's, Dynaudio C2's, and Naim 272.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, the SS system is set up for vinyl, streaming and cd's (mostly used for vinyl) while the tube system is fronted by an EMC-1 cd player only.  Don't ask.  I'm now thinking of upgrading the preamp in the SS system and realized that as much as I enjoy the Presence Deluxe in the tube system,  I know nothing of First Sounds upper level preamps.  Does anyone have experience with the Paramounts or even the upper end Presence Deluxes?  How do they work with SS amps and, if I'm really lucky, the Claytons in particular?  Any other things I should consider?
I did.  It sounded ok but not as good as the Naim.  Its been a few months, but if memory serves, it lacked the punch of the naim and possibly some of the detail.  Good point though and when my back is better, I should definitely try again.
I did.  It sounded ok but not as good as the Naim.  Its been a few months, but if memory serves, it lacked the punch of the naim and possibly some of the detail.  Good point though and when my back is better, I should definitely try again.  Now that I think about it, the First Sound had been inactive for over a year and and was recently retuned. It probably wasn't fully broken in when I tried it.
What an enviable position to be in, moving up the First Sound line of preamps. Good luck