A certain online retailer asked me for a review of Pangea power cords..

Here is my response                                                                                    
"Way back when the Pangea AC9 was introduced, I bought one. My first aftermarket powercord. I didn't think a powercord could make any difference! Put it on my Forte' 4 amp, and immediately noticed better bass response. I was hooked.Since then I have upgraded everything in my system, but I stick to Pangea power cords.Just last night, listening via Rudistor RPX-33mkII headamp and Sennheiser HD800 (bought from Audio Advisor) I was, beside listening to Deep Purple "Machine Head" checking out some new outlets. And the difference was easy to hear, via the Pangea AC14SE MKII Signature powercord. The Pangea powercrds ARE GREAT, no question. Thanks Pangea dude, for creating them, and thank you Audio Advisor, for offering them to the public. I now listen to my Magnepan 20.7s, Marantz SA-10, Conrad Johnson ACT2, Kuzma Stabi Stogi S turntable. ALL using Pangea powercords.My system is no slouch, neither are Pangea powercords.
If I were to offer one suggestion, Start a line of AC14SE, and AC9SEPangea with pure copper Rhodium plated plugs.and Cryo'ed.
Thanks in advance Pangea Dude! You are a HERO.to all of us who enjoy Pangea power cords."So.. any comments?
Elizabeth, I of course was not talking about you but about someone with 13 posts and a lot of opinions.
So, the weight of an opinion is based on the number of posts?  Christ, Einstein has never posted here, so....🐍💩

Here and there people keep talking about ridiculously high priced cables can enhance sound quality. When seeing a 6-power cable is being priced as high as $3000, all I could was shaking my head! There are simple things that people just don't want to understand. Don't you think people at Pass Labs, McIntosh or Mark Levinson designed a $20,000 amp and included a power cable that would degrade the amp performance? Or as one asked earlier in this thread, "Can anyone explain to me how the last few feet of a power cord makes a difference when the rest of the house wiring is standard Romex copper wiring?" The answer is no difference, unless you switch from an Ikea extension cord. 

I bought the Pangea Audio Octet Premier XE for $150 on last year Black Friday. Instead of buying Pangea power cord, I built myself to avoid a dozen of 6ft-10ft power cord in a tight space using Wattgage connectors and Belden 19365 power cable. I ordered a couple of XLR cables from Blue Jeans Cable once then built them myself with the same material, Belden and Meutrik, and saved half of the the cost. My advice: If you love high end equipment, learn how to make your own cables with fine parts. Goldpoint SW2X-I is sold for $395. I made a box with exact parts for $50. The most expensive part was the Grayhill rotary switch for $15. the remaining were Neutrik connectors and silver soldering wire.

Having worked many years in the machine and tech end of a large, international, apparatus repair/manufacturing corporation, that manufactured and supplied everything from very large industrial machines and electrical components and supplies to residential electrical supplies - I can say for a fact that it's not sleepwalker's opinion that's fantasy.
While I do believe in quality hospital grade outlets, and good quality cables and cords - people who make wild claims about ridiculously priced outlets, cables and cords apparently know little or nothing about how electricity, from the grid to your component, actually works, or why and how components are designed and built to operate fully and properly on the standard household current of the country where they are to be used.
Companies who build $5k, $10k or 20k audio components, do not build them to sound bad with their supplied power cords, nor do they in any way imply the need of an expensive cord to make them sound better. If you buy a $10k amp and it doesn't sound absolutely glorious within the parameters it was designed to operate, I doubt that a $10k power cord or a $5k outlet will magically fix it. In that case, maybe you would be better off to just buy a $200.00 amp and put a $10k power cord and $5k outlet on that and save yourself a cool $4.8k...just sayn Jim