classe twenty five and classe fifteen

Hi there I am curious to what the differences are between these amp I am guessing that they are built the same years and they have the same design philosophy but the twenty five is the higher model, i cant seem to find to much info on the 25, any info would be greatly apperated.

If anyone knows the answers, wd be much appreciated.
What's the wattage consumption on the 25? 
And do they produce alot of heat? 
If anyone knows the answers, wd be much appreciated.
What's the wattage consumption on the 25?
And do they produce alot of heat?

According to the literature in my dealer binder, the 25 has a power consumption of 325 watts at idle.

They really don't run that hot.  Depends on the volume setting and what speaker it is driving, but normally, not that hot...which I know is relative, but that's the best answer without knowing all the parameters.

I owned a fifteen, and it was a very nice amp. Solid, musical, pleasant, flowing and rhythmic. I liked it a lot, in my second system, driving a pair of vintage Ryan MCL3. Seemed appropriate vintage for the speakers.
I wasn’t really looking to replace it, until I happened to get an opportunity to A/B it against a pair of modern hypex nCore monoblocks... :-) 
willmacc6 posts09-28-2018 1:31pmIf anyone knows the answers, wd be much appreciated.
What’s the wattage consumption on the 25?
And do they produce alot of heat?

Classe DR-25 a very nice reliable amp, sweet and never in your face, a little boring.
They run factory spec 22mV across their .27ohm emiter resistors, around 10watts Class-A per channel at idle, warm to touch.
I raised that and got better sound, so the heatsinks after an hour of idle at 28c ambient were just uncomfortable for the palms of my hands after 6 seconds around 50c, this was more like 35mV across the .27ohm emiter resistors.

Mains fuse ratings are
100v-120v 12amp fast blow
220v -240v 6amp fast blow
This is not indicative of the power consumption but more the inrush current to charge the power supply caps.

If anyone wants the service manual PM me with your email address. I’ll send it out once to the first one, but you must send it to others if they want it here on Audiogon.

Cheers George
IMO the Classe Omega Reference monoblock amps are still the best sounding and performing amplifier Classe ever made to date.