Anticables: Scam?

Does anyone have any experience with Anticables products? I spent over $600 on a pair of honestly cheap-looking ICs from them and after 400 or so hours burning them in I'm hard-pressed to tell the difference between them and an old set of no name ICs built from pro cable stock and heavy metal RCA connectors.

For all I know they are made out of regular bulk copper spools in a plastic sheath and wrapped in a Slinky.
I am running a shotgun biwired pair of Anticables speaker cables between a pair of Theta Citadel 1.5’s and a pair of Vandersteen 5A’s.  Hardly shitty equipment.  I can tell you I have access to all manner of cable as I have friends who own high end shops and have worked at some of them in my free time.  I’ve had Cardas Clear, Audioquest Kilimanjaro, Audioquest Volcano and various other “High end” cables in and out of my system.  We haven’t found any reason to replace them.  When I say we, my friends who also have semi high end gear have listened as well and we all scratch our heads.  I so want to pull them out every time I look at them but when I listen I can’t find any reason to do so.  No bullshit.  
Have had the opportunity, and pleasure, of using AntiCable speaker cables. Bottom line, they are a darn good cable, especially at the asking price, highly recommended.
Motorman will you please update me on the powerchord? I want to auditions as well, Paul is a good guy....
I have used anticables for years. They sound great. Look at it this way, at least you know what you are getting. It is just a solid coated copper wire for the most part. I have not bought the more expensive versions. I like the solid copper spades. If you buy the lower models on sale it is just about the same cost as making them yourself. Try to source the copper spades they use. It is difficult. These work great with speakers that have solid copper binding posts such as Devore.
These posts are so much like I hear from those who debate politics.  I've had different levels of AntiCables for perhaps 8 or 9 years.....I have never had any problems with them.  They are not magnet wire, they are drawn with a direction with good copper....or silver for the top level.  They don't look like ordinary cables...they are very thin with a red spiral around them.....but what they look like means less to me than what they sound like.   In truth, I compared the top of the line Anti's to Wireworld top level silver, and Anti's are very, very similar.  If people here don't know truth, they shouldn't post. My system is all Ayre and Vandersteens