What do you LIKE BEST about your current audio system?

Straightforward.. What do you like the most about your current audio setup? Particulars welcome. Name names of brands. Stuff about the room good too!(I will also, but not in the lead out)       
Also, maybe, things you still dislike, if any?
Motown-l I have a challenged area as well.  Hardwood floors. Speakers can’t be more than 8 feet apart.  High ceilings and dead areas. I would kill to be able to dedicate a room 
I like the realistic sound I'm getting in a very wide, deep, and stable sound stage (recording dependent) that I don't have to listen to at a loud level in order to get dynamics, realism and emotional satisfaction. There are many times that I can suspend belief that what I'm now hearing is an artificial construct. 

What used to be an occasionally emotionally engaging experience is now a recurring event. I've got the Kinki EX-M1 integrated to thank for that.

All the best,
Gato FM6 speakers Denmark. Kr Audio va900 integrated Czech Republic. Resonessence Mirus pro Dac Canada. Rel 212se subwoofer. Clarity, high fidelity, altas mavros cabling. Melco n1a server. Sony modwright 5400es tubed CD player. 
The way it reproduces well recorded vocal and acoustic guitar.
I also like that I don't have to upgrade it any more, it is balanced enough. I'll just replace it at some point. Maybe.
Michael Green Audio free resonance speakers and Nottingham turntable work well together.
Yes, Bill, of course it's midrange and dynamics first.
In terms of sound quality: The way it reproduces horns and strings, and how little I paid for it. :)