Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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He is. I think every possible subject regarding hi-fi has come up already in the past decade or two.....Welcome wcfeil!
My Klipschorns are set in two corners approx 13' apart room length 17'.  They seem to Image just fine to me. Then again, what do i know?
Need big enough room, and enough space from the horns for the waves to disperse proper. Smith horns suck in small rooms.

No idea. I’m only dropping in because, although I’ve heard horn designs here and there over the years, I wish I had more experience with them.  (My room set up has never favored horns, though).

Just for clarity: what exactly do you consider to constitute a horn design? Is it any speaker that uses some form of wave guide?

I felt the jbl Everest speakers were the best (or at least my favourite) at the last audio show I attended. Beautiful timbral reproduction of an orchestra, great dynamics, and I don’t seem to remember thinking the imaging sucked. But then again I’m not sure how much I was paying attention to that.