Twist the cartridge phono cable

I saw a person who twisted ~ 1 cm, the phono cable, before pluging them into the cartridge.  He said to eliminate RF parasits.  Is it better to do so ?
I'm always amazed by some people's eagerness to heap scorn on new ideas. It doesn't always lead to the fates of Giordano Bruno or Galileo, nor am I suggesting the unnamed wire-twister is their equal, but it's the same impulse and not unique to our cynical times... especially in the Sanctums of Audiophilia.

So the explanation (RF parasits [sic]) may be absurd, but maybe it sounds better for other reasons. Has anyone tried it? Just of out of curiosity or an inquiring mind? Or are opinions superior to knowing?

I have no idea if it helps SQ, but I can tell you I had a guy twist my cartridge leads for this reason and he broke one of them. So back to my Linn dealer who asked me, "what the hell were you doing?"  I had no answer. The repair charge was my punishment.

With experience, I lean more to the idea that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.