This is juvenile...

If you had one wish for a perfect female artist to be your lifetime mate, who would it be?

Shelby Lynne
Neko Case
Claudia Muzio, whom Maria Callas tried to emulate (but didn't have the vocal ability).  She combined superb musicianship, extraordinary characterizations with gorgeous soprano sound.  
Wow ill spend the next week thinking about this as its very important get back to you ASAP!!!!!
@ebm you crack me up. Really, you have done so for years.  Hard to pinpoint where you are coming from and who the real ebm is. Keep on truckin! 
fleschler ...

Claudia Muzio was an excellent choice. Such a beautiful voice.Thank you. 

I'm thinking about starting a thread that deals with audiophiles and their attraction to recordings that are drenched in artificial reverb. Ugh!

 Thank you. Bidu Sayao was second only to Elsie Houston (from Brasil) who had a much bigger voice but died (suicide) just before Sayao became a big hit. She was unappreciated in Brasil and had a big following in the U.S. I have to make you a CD of her complete recordings. Sayao was so sweet and lovely sounding yet small voiced.    Sample Houston -
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