Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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I think horns don't image as well as the others. But what you give up in imaging you get in a wider, bigger picture of the sound.  
Oh Erik!I am really disappointed in you...and I'm not saying that tongue in cheek either! First, let me say that I have deliberately not read any of the other responses before writing my own. Let me just say that I have owned some vert fine speakers , known for good imaging such as Proac, Nestorovic, Dahlquist Focus Audio and many others. My Klipsch Epic CF-4 speakers image as well as any of them, and larger than most of them. 
I know that you're a smart guy, and much more knowledgeable  than myself, so I will only say that if you truly believe that horns don't image well, you must not have listened to the right ones yet. If you're ever in the Phoenix area, please drop in! 
It maybe the speakers in the link he posted. hey Duke can you please confirm what speaker/s you will have in the 3002 ?
I hope to pop in, nay WILL pop in.......