Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
I don't find good digital amps bright or fatiguing today.

What's a 'digital amp'??
Surely not a class D- I thought this thread was class D only ;)
@atmasphere can you give us any information on when your Class D (not digital) amps might be ready for prime time? Will they be stereo or mono-blocks? Estimated price?
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We've not put a lot of thought into what embodiments the amps will take, although an integrated seems likely. Probably some sort of power amp too.

I think the amp is likely to be less than $4k.