What to do...What to do?

Hi Goners!
I have listened to both the Jean Marie Reynard Offrande Supremes at $7,500.00 and recently the GamuT RS3i at  over twice the price!
I have listened to both extensively and have come to some initial observations of each...
my question is this; Honestly now... when you have two speakers of different strengths with little in the way of fault, do you look at the speaker as a whole?
WAF,color, style, design and all the other “ non engineering” facets that culminate around the science?
this has led me to ponder what to do going forward...
thanks for your honesty, I gave you mine😉
I just use my ears. After looking for speakers many years ago I listened to several and one day I heard the sound I was looking for. To me it was the sound I was after although I thought they were quite ugly (beauty is in the eyes of the beholder). They were Dynaudio C1's. Had them for several years thinking I was never going to hear anything better. Then one day it happened. I heard a speaker that took my breath away. I couldn't get that sound out of my head for months. It was the price that made it difficult for me to justify. But I finally thought do I want to just dream about them or own them? So I pulled the trigger. They were Raidho D1's. The Dyn's played lower but the Raidho's just had all the clarity/emotion the Dyn's lacked.
... when you have two speakers of different strengths with little in the way of fault, do you look at the speaker as a whole? ...
I don't understand the question. If you're buying the speaker "as a whole," don't you have to evaluate it as a whole? Buying part of one and part of another isn't really an option, is it? Unless, perhaps, you're considering kludging the two together, as HP did with the QRS-1D system. But that rarely works.
I dont think those gamut bookshelfs are worth the $19,000 asking price thats all i have to say