Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

Why don't the high end cable manufacturers pre burn their cables before sale? Seems that would be a great selling point.  
Being able to hear “sheen” from Teflon dielectric but not being able to hear cable direction is an excellent example of WTF? 😛

But I don’t see how we can get anywhere the way this is going because you just keep asserting claims when I’m asking what justifies your claims.
Most users here base their observations on listening. Beyond that, no one is obligated to provide scientific theories for what they hear, or provide the results of scientific listening tests they've conducted, or measurements they've made of the equipment under evaluation. This isn't a scientific group. This is mostly a hobbyist's group and if you seek hard data, this simply isn't the best place to find it.
Of course, every reader is free to accept - or not - whatever claims are made here to whatever extent he likes. But the seemingly endless demands that posters provide upon request some set of scientific data to accompany their listening observations isn't going to get anyone anywhere.

In addition, I suspect most members of this group don't even know how to set up a scientifically valid listening test. I base that on the claims by those who say they have conducted such tests but - upon being questioned - reveal that the test was flawed from the onset ... which makes it probably worse than no test at all.
Being able to hear “sheen” from Teflon dielectric but not being able to hear cable direction is an excellent example of WTF?
Yeah, crazy huh?  Maybe I simply didn't like the cables I've listened to that had Teflon-covered wire but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  As head teleporter, I'm sure you know not everything in audio can be rationally explained.
Oh, like it couldn’t be something else in the cable that caused the “sheen,” you know, other than the dielectric? Get real! Was the cable burned in? 😛