Totem Mani 2 Signatures vs. Usher BE-718

I have the upgrade bug and I am looking to upgrade my speakers. I'm looking at the two speakers noted above but am open to other suggestions for comparable speakers. I have chosen these speakers because I currently have the Totem Model 1 Sigs and have heard great things about the Mani's as well as hearing them at the local audio store. I have not heard the Ushers but have chosen them because of all the positive reviews. I do not have a local Usher dealer.

I would like to hear what you have to stay about these speakers espcially if you have owned either of them or have been in a situation to compare them.

I know the Totem's have had great reviews and have been considered the best bang for the buck in the past and the reviews on the Ushers seem to indicate that they are the best speaker sub $5K. Would be interested to get your thoughts on that.

I will be driving them with a Bryston integrated amp with 100 watts at 8ohms and 170 watts at 4 ohms. I am a little concerned that it might not be powerful enough to drive the Totem's from what I've read. I am not sure about how they will drive the Usher's. Any comments or experiences with similar types of amps would be appreciated.

I like the Mani-2s a lot, but given your room size, I'd say you already own the right Totems. If the upgrade bug really has you jonesed, I would recommend looking to your front end. IMHO, digital has come quite a way since the RCD991.
IMHO, you're a little short on power to make the Usher BE-718's sing. But then, if you had the power to make them really come to life, they would be too much speaker for your size of room. They were bordering on too much for my room which is 11'W X 14'D X 8'H and with the speakers placed further away from the wall than you. I was powering them with Bel Canto REF1000 monoblocks at 500W into 8ohms. You certainly don't need to have that much power, but they really do love a lot of power.
>>I have not heard the Ushers but have chosen them because of all the positive reviews.<<

Very dangerous to make choices based on reviews where goodies, freebies, money, and other benefits abound.

However, the bottom line is the BE-718 reflects a step down, or two, from your Totems.

The grass is not always greener.
I guess what i am hearing is that given the potential lack of power in my integrated and the small size of my room, neither of these speakers is the way to go. I am very happy with the model 1 sig's and not sure that there is much more out there that would sound better that doesn't require power i don't have or a large room that i don't have. but, any suggestions would be appreciated.

It sounds like if i am going to upgrade then maybe i should concentrate on my source. Any ideas sould also be appreciated. i will also post a specific question on the digital board.

I have a smallish room with some JM Labs Micro Utopias fed by a Bryston 4BSST and that combo works very nicely in that room. Prior to the micros I owned the JM Labs 907be stand mounts. I LOVED those speakers and all the hoopla I heard about the micros being "in another league" well, it just aint true. The Micros are awesome and I will not be parting with them, my point is the 907's are incredible as well and can be had for a song here on the 'gon now that the 1007s are out and the Ushers are getting a lot of press. The value in these speakers is off the charts and I don't imagine anyone regretting them. Drive them with a bigger amp and you'll have a great set-up, not that Totems aren't nice, I like them too but those 907's are a revelation.