CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
@elizabeth no need to get all pious and judgemental just because I’m peeling the onion. Try objectivity. It’s more mature than getting personal. Now, please explain to me how program material that was captured in samples can be guaranteed to be PERFECTLY reproduced. 
Geoff sez: " The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry " I say specially when the mice are in the Man’s underpants.                                     
I am pumped as I have spent all day listening to LPs, weeding. And not once (until just this moment) thought about changing a power cord or something. So it seems the 'adjusting' is done. Down to just listening to music.

"This is a oft repeated and persistent argument against digital audio, but it is a myth. It stems from a lack of understanding of sound........."

A well written and understandable post about a subject few really comprehend.  Thanks for the voice of reason!
@geoffkait said:
The data that’s on the CD is not being 100% retrieved during playback. Not by a long shot. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
It would be refreshing if, just once, you would back up your assertions with some corroborating evidence.

As @clearthink pointed out:
There should be no "dropouts" unless of course there is a substantial failure, defect or fault in the playback system because the CD audio standard relies on Cross-Interleaved Reed-Solomon Coding by using 24 8 bit words and encoding them in a RS code with parity check symbols.
And as I pointed out, the Nyquist Shannon algorithm ensures that nothing is lost in the digitization and conversion to analog process. There is NOTHING lost in a well recorded and mastered CD compared to an LP. In fact, given the vastly superior dynamic range of a CD compared to an LP, and the perfect reproduction of the data stream from a CD compared to the distorted output of an LP cartridge, a CD is clearly capable of vastly better reproduction.