Please help me figure out what I need to do this. My head spins with tech talk..

I am considering a sim audio moon cd transport 260dt to replace my beloved CD player that just died.I have a Plinius 9200 integrated. What do I need to make this combo work? Do I need a DAC?I get that transports are different from players but I just want to make sense of all of this in a simple way. thanks!
Well after the audio shop's technician located a transport for my B.A,T and still cut out so there was more than the transport gone bad..and Balanced audio confirmed because  this was a very early unit,any other parts would be  wild goose chase.R.I.P. my dear B.A.T.Meanwhile, this dealer gave me a loaner- A Primare CD22.  For nearly 12 years The B.A.T. was the sound I soft, no hard edges..maybe unnaturally rounded? but I preferred that over the edge I heard from some other CDP's I listened to way back then. The sound was ingrained into my brain and that makes for a challenge to not hear "different" as "wrong".So listening to this was not likely to consider it as my next purchase, it was mostly so I wouldn't be without music. I'm having a grand time testing out my reference Cd's...and to my surprise I have found a few things..A different sound for sure...I actually find it refreshingly clear on my solo piano & female vocals...very similar to the tube sound in tone but  kind of like menthol ...pleasing and realistic...The soundstage is a bit more narrow but for these types it is a minor thing..The litmus test will be tomorrow when I try my symphonic /orchestral pieces that I demand what I had before...deep & wide soundstage,   accurate placement of instruments and most importantlyrealistic reproduction of each instrument...a screechy violin in the mix and bye bye forever.As I said I wasn't thinking Primare, but this cd22 sounds pretty damn good so far..
Let's say orchestral sounds divine...and I can assume the newer generation, cd35, (with or without DAC), sounds even better..Here's my question...:Primare and all CDP's, if everything is so geared towards digital, do you think the stand alone CD part of the equation is as advanced ? Or is all the good stuff in the DAC?
I hope someone understands what I'm asking! :)

@abstract The yearly "advances" in DACs often involve more specmanship than real electronics.  For daily driving, how much better is a 2019 car over the same 2018 model?  Before purchasing the Bryston BCD-3, I eliminated the Hegel Mohican, leaving that new model of Primare as the chief competitor.  If you have more CDs than you know what to do with, are committed to Red Book, there are distinct advantages to "integrated" players.  The transport and the DAC both make a difference, as do their implementation.  Googling you can find specs on both the Bryston and the Primare, who used different manufacturers for transports (both good) and for chips in the DACs (both good).  Finally, both makers will have implemented them differently.  Supposedly, different chips have different sonic characteristics, but it ends up being much more complicated than that.
twoleftyears...Ah yes...I see....I guess I was not wondering if the improvement was huge from model to model as much as if the present new models are improved more for their symbionic relationship to their companion Dac or in their own right.
As much as I know a tube CDP would most likely be my sonic bliss (and that AMR is calling me) I am now fearing buying used of that age...
(the BAT feels like a death in my family)...I am pleasantly surprised with my listening experience of this loaner Primare cd22...The sonics are wonderful..I have thrown everything at it today... solo piano is clean and warm, acoustic guitar is lifelike, female vocals are rich. Orchestral:I was worried about the violins..I always worry about the violins....but yes! They sounded mighty fine...phew! and basically the small orchestral pieces all had a very inviting timbre..and sounded like the instruments they ae (the only exception was the 2 taps of a triangle at the end of Appalachian Spring..I used to get goosebumps from that..could 2 triangle taps be my dealbreaker?)Large orchestral was tonally very pleasing  ...slightly anaemic and slightly less grandiose than my BAT).  Twoleftears: Did you listen to the CD35?

@abstract I wish I had had an opportunity to.  But Primare doesn't have a large dealer base, with nothing close at hand.  Also, their repair network seemed dependent on one individual.  Whereas I've had excellent support, above and beyond, for many years with Bryston.  I suspect the CD35 and the BCD-3 sound more alike than different.

And yes, I know what you mean.  It was those early DDD recordings done by Deutsche Gramophon of massed violins that sent me, ears bleeding, for a number of years into the arms of class A, single ended, triode tubes.  But not any more.

I just shocked myself...I realized I had a hard time pulling myself away from this Primare CD22 loaner... that always a good sign...I did dealer just ordered me a brand spanking new Primare CD35...I'm excited and nervous all at the same time..I suspect much like having a "first" date after being married for so many years then divorced ..I may just love it!