Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...

simply because they are over priced? 
I have a completely different perspective than the OP as I see the issue being exacerbated by market factors. The market is shrinking as more old, bald, guys die, and become deaf. It really wasn’t that vibrant of a market for the last twenty years or so and it is less so today.

Compound that with all of the junk being sold here. Items that simply have no currency, and what you have is a secondary market at a loggerheads.
i have listing and some items i just show i have for overpriced tag. if anyone is indeed purchasing, i'll be glad to send.
makes sense ta any?
The poster child for this is a Forsell ir turntable over on AA selling for $5,500 for over five years. I am not kidding. The item has been up for sale and off again at the same price for FIVE YEARS. One would think somebody would figure out there is a problem. Maybe someone promised on the death bed that would be the price.. Really hilarious funny if it was not so stupid. What is even sillier is the note that the "item will be in storage until Dec 2016" he is not even bothering to update the ad..
Elizabeth, that table is not for sale by just anyone, but by Arthur Salvatore, which should go a long way towards explaining the situation.

His Quixotic website is here:

Kind of the “You kids get off my grass.” Audio reviewer, and that’s putting it gently.