Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
^^^ fleschler ...

Steve, you'll have to come up to hear the Signature III's. Way better than when you were here last.  I pasted the power conditioner and the speaker crossovers with Total Contact. The improvement was a real break through. 


I agree with what fleschler  has experienced.The installation of E - Mats reveals that one's present system can be significantly improved without upgrading components .And unlike auditioning or buying a new component , placing a E - Mat in a system is quick and easy. 
And best of all , if you do not like the Mat, send it back for a refund.

Today was a fun E - Mat day, and it has been a fun E-Mat week!
I listed the locations of the new Mats in the above post and today I had a critical listening session. Clearly a meaningful improvement. So now there are Mats under or on top of all components in the horn system and the headphone system. I have not tried them under the speakers yet. My crossovers are located in the bottom of the cabinets so this location will eventually be tried.

I now thought about the power coming into the house. I already have two Mats installed on the inside of the outer door panel of the sub breaker box. I also have two mats placed next to each other on the main breaker panel.

Under the actual Electric Company's Power Meter they have a locked box that then sends all power to my main breaker box. I attached one Mat on the outside of this box. Kept the mat in it's water resistant plastic bag and covered that with 3-M  External Painters tape to block the sun from causing any damage. The main breaker box is tall enough that I could add a third Mat inside this panel to now cover all the breakers for the house.

Today was fun because these two Mats caused an immediate improvement in clarity, harmonic texture and emotional impact. 

David Pritchard

575-644-1662 (cell)
First, Let me apologize.  I know the question I'm asking has been discussed here before but the thread is too long to track the answer down. 
Question:  I just moved a Mat from underneath my power regenerator to under why line stage.  How long does it take for the Mat to become fully effective once moved to another component?

Thanks so much!
Seems to be around three weeks, give or take---in my experience, expect nice results the first few days, too.  
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