Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene

Given that graphene is quite the in vogue material for audio applications I wonder how many (if any) of the vendors selling this are actually sourcing the real thing?
Uh, obviously, but why would he share how he makes them with John Q. Public? Anymore than the dude who makes Graphene contact enhancer would be interested in sharing his ideas. 

It's no so much how he builds some parts of his cables using graphene, but why.... And is he using proper graphene two-dimensional crystal latice, or much more readily available and inexpensive bulk graphite powder instead? Graphene is constituted by single layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal matrix. I still do not understand what function these micro-sheets of material might have in audio applications from an engineering point of view...

... From a sheer marketing communication point of view instead.... That's an entirely other matter, just like all other new-fangled exotica *Grins!*



Graphene in its two dimensional firm is MUCH stronger, I.e., tensile strength, than steel. It is really a super material. That’s why production plants are cranking this stuff out by the ton, hoping to cash in. Graphene is also an excellent electrical conductor, a super conductor, as it were, much better than copper or silver. In addition Graphene is an excellent shield against EMI/RFI. Even in a 2-5 layer form, Graphene is a formidable material.