infinity 1b's- should i go tubes for top end???

audio friends,, i have infinity 1b's. a parasound 3500 for the bottom end and a rotel 1090 for the top end. the sound?? i think it sounds great. smooth and clean with great power. everybody says tubes for the top. to do this would mean selling the rotel for maybe $1000 and having to put out another $1000 to get say a 100wpc setup. amps in my range would be something like rogue 150's, audio research vs110's, cary slm100's. lets face it, i would want at least 100 wps for the mid/tweed panels. the BIG question is on just how much of an inprovement in sound is there going to be??. everybody says the rotel 1090 is a great amp, i tend to agree, and it does sound good. i would just hate to spend the time and money without decient results. and the reliable factor. the rotel probable will last for years. tubes?? how much up keep will they be just to get a decient year out of them. can someone convince me either way.
I forget, what are the crossover controls for the 1b? Does it have level for both amps? Is there a phase control?

What you have to watch out for, either tube or SS, is a change in character, mostly around the crossover point which is usually around 100Hz for most of the bigger Infinitys. There are many amps in the 100 watt class that don't come near the "power" of the 3500 and will sound like a dip in the mid bass. Of the brands you mentioned, the Rogue has good reputation for bass comparative to SS. It also has fairly conventional gain and impedance numbers which you should be careful with in older Cary's.

Whether anything sounds better or improved is your call. So are any compromises you face.
Can you borrow a Tube amp from a dealer or friend?
I have a pair of Infinity RS1-B's and have always used tubes on the mids/tweeters. Infinity always recommend this speaker to be driven that way. Holt and Person also suggested tubes as well.
I have tried the ARC VT100ll, ASL Hurricanes and now 2 Mac 275's. Tubes on te top just soften the sometimes bright EMMI's/EMIT's.

thank you for the responces guys. i realize alot of times its just a matter of luck hitting apon the perfect combo. someone along time ago told me, in audio there is always something better. the question is are you happy with what you have now. i guess i am in a way,just dont like the feeling i might be missing out on better sound. rick, have you tried any ss amps on the top to see how they sounded in your system?. the arc vt100. i see them for sale alot. what would you concider the difference between the mac 275's and the arc vt100's thanks again
I have heard this to many times, Tubes on top and SS on bottom. I should think the best option would be to use the same amp's for top and bottom. This would achieve complete symmetry.
thank you schipo. which would you recommend i get the second of. the rotel 1090 or the parasound 3500??