McIntosh 402 amp channel stopped working

Howdy folks-

McIntosh 402 amp

Am having trouble with my left channel not working, thought it was a short in my phono pre. I would adjust the power cable on the phono pre a little and it would work, then not work, but mostly work. Got a new JLTi phono pre today from Australia and same thing, left channel won't work. Hmmmmmmm

Started trouble shooting. Exchanged cables, sources and even a different receiver, different phono pre, same situation. Switched speaker wire, same issue. Odd thing is when running through my McIntosh preamp in mono, both channels work. 

At the moment, big Mac 402 running the mains through the Anthem processor, same issue, no left channel. Thoughts? 
I'll contact the local HiFi guys here in Miami to see if they'll look at it. I don't want to send it off to mac head quarters!
it could just be oxidized connections, use deoxit on all rca inputs/outputs and speaker outputs terminals. 
Have you tried switching L & R speaker cables on amp to see if problem switches channels?  Can you hook your CD player up directly to amp to eliminate a preamp issue?
Yes, just hooked up cd and using the 402amp, I ran everything thru my Anthem receiver and the two channels work fine. It's the preamp. C2200 is at least 15 years old and the tubes have never been changed. 
So now I have a second pair of IC's go bad within a week. It must be the preamp that's doing that?