Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

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The meaning of this thread is to learn as much as we can about speaker cable burn-in. We are getting there. Progress is slow, but I am not losing hope. It has been getting more interesting over the last 20-30 posts.

Karl Marx, allegedly, did not wash himself that often. 

Can u measure a narrow soundstage?
You may be asking this question on wrong forum. I suspect that the forum inhabited by guys who invented those ambiance modes many receivers and cell phones have had for the longest time would be a better place to ask. Those guys might have figured out some mathematical way to make you feel that soundstage is narrow, wide, etc. Maybe they also have an idea how to measure it. You know those modes "stadium", "church", "jazz club", and so on. They do not base that on cable burn-in so maybe there is a way around it. It may be worth asking if they know how to measure it. Here, we can discuss Engels, excretory functions, and some other topics.
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