Are Harbeth S HL5's As Good As Reviewers Claim?

I'm looking at acquiring a pair of these but have gotten mixed opinions. The reviewers say they're the best thing since sliced bread but some say they are dull, boring and a bit on the "warm" side. Any thoughts, experiences would be appreciated.
If you hear em and like em, then they're as good as the reviewers say they are. If they're not your cup of tea, then it doesn't really matter what the reviewers say, does it? or the people that have them....
Maybe, maybe not Chashas1. Not everyone has easy access to hear gear that may interest them and are willing to purchase them unheard, hence garning opinions of others.
But that's just it, it's an opinion. In my own lil listening group, we all hear things sometimes the same, sometimes not. It depends on what a person is listening for or preference. One thing I've discovered, someone can go on about a particular piece of gear, and then you go over, and the system is so poorly set up or things mismatched. Who would trust such an opinion then? I bet if you could hear even half of the systems of people who post their opinions on here you'd bust a gut laughing in disbelief!
That's why I made my comment. Opinions are fine, but know their source. and trust your own ears.
I suspect most on here realize people are posting their opinions, and that is what they want. I understand where you are coming from and no doubt people can be and are misled, but if we all adhered strictly to the rule of not asking opionions, there would be a lot less talk on these forums.
Chashas1, I totally agree that we should not pay too much attention to what others or reviewers say.

On the other hand, as I read this thread, I realize that lots of people seem to have had similar experiences with Harbeths -- they talk about musicality and there is this notion of listening to more music.

That makes me think (also because this is precisely what I experienced with my system) there there is some truth in this.