Speaker match

New or used speakers that sound and match well with an Antique Sound Lab
MG-SI 15DT integrated amp $500 or less. Thanks for any input.

there isn’t many options in your price range I’m afraid and probably none in a full range as in 20-20khz you’d be doing well to find something 40-20khz.

used Klipsch is your best bet for most bass i’d think at $500 you may find a MK1 or 2 in the ones I mentioned above.

you may be better off doing a near field set up like one of the guys above was suggesting. so get a nice set of desktop speakers to go with your amp.

Read about this little amp and the reviews where good.From the impression of some of the comments it's not that great but paid $75 and has worked well so I said what the heck!
In that size room 15wpc.will drive ANY conventional speaker to convincing levels...I ran Dunaudios with 15wpc.in similar size room with wonderful results....
I would look at Dali Zensor series,Wharfedale(especially the Denton Anniversary),Elac and Monitor Audio Silver Series...
There is a pair of LSA1 monitors for sale here that are a killer deal & would SING with this amp!!!
I have a pair drivin by Quad VA-One tube amp & it sounds amazing...