My experience with ATC SCM 12

I drive them with 100W class AB amp (Music Hall Maven).
What I am not happy with is their sound stage or "realism" effect. A-B test with KLH Signature monitors (similar volume, 2-driver design)reveals that KLH has more "realism" & presence in it's sound. You feel like musicians playing in your room. With ATC the sound is very even and bass is better (probably due to sealed cabinet design and superior driver), but treble is recessed and hidden behind. There are no spikes of treble when it is called for. It could be characteristic of ATC suitable for sound mastering (what do I know?) but it is not exciting. Overall ATC sound is too polite and mellow.
I am leaning towards trying something else may be from Triangle, may be someone could suggest something else.
BTW I had similar impression of Dynaudio monitors.
I have to add that ATC were replaced by Triangle towers (no holographic micro-detail, but better stage and spiky engaging sound). ATCs are phenomenal speakers, but I’ve noticed two things with them: 1. Digital source always produced better sound in treble register. 2. They will not play well unless they are pushed in sound-volume or unless they are sitting in-front of you on the table, 1 mete away from your ears. I do not listen my music loud enough for ATC to come alive. No amount of power will move them beyond certain volume, you can plug 1000W amp into them but unless you turn the volume nob to “loud” nothing will ever happen with ATC. That is why they are sound-mastering marvels and not a consumer bookshelf speakers.

More amp wattage does not equate to automatically being louder. It provides for more headroom and allows one to turn the volume up without clipping. With speakers rated at 85dB @ 1W @ 1M as these are, one can assume that they require a decent amount of power to perform their best.