I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?
World leaders in underwear? Buck naked is my demand. Naturally everyone in the audience is fully clothed AND wearing a red clown nose.. LOL
I call Human Nature as the root cause.
I am a totally humble soul, even though I know I AM better than all of you. And I offer my genius for you to marvel at. NO need to offer gifts. My brilliance is gift enough. Yes my system is the work of Genius. Please do not try to copy it. That would only make you smaller than you already are now. When I comment on your system, consider them the comments an adult makes about the playthings of a toddler.
Any questions?
You may bow to my stunning brilliance if I leave you speechless.
Thanks for all of your comments.  I post discussions like this because I like to seriously discuss and find out about music and gear I haven’t heard.  I also like to share gear from little known companies that compete with more expensive stuff.  The more you spend I believe that it is diminishing returns.  My group of audio friends went on a crazy gear trying journey for some years and I have had a blast.   My current system has been steady and I really enjoy it.  I share to encourage those trying to find their happy system place.  I’m at a good spot. Enjoy and carry on! If you like I love it as mom used to say.  

"I drive a mostly unmodified Nissan 350z. Roll bar, race seats, harnesses, HANs, all that."
Is that really "mostly unmodified"? I know nothing about Nissan. Do they come that way? Maybe not an audio topic, but nor is the title of the thread so I hope it is ok to ask.