Technics 1200G - clamp record weight or no record weight?

It seems as though 95% of the time the 1200G sounds better without a clamp or weight.  I use a Boston audio mat and it seems when I add a clamp or weight, it may sound pleasing in some ways for some records but most of the time records seem to sound better without anything...  maybe its just the mat does not like the clamp.  not sure...  How are your experiences?  So far I have used the Project puck, Stillpoints LPI, Orsonic 200 gram clamp.  The Stillpoints may sound the best in some circumstances but it seems that the lighter Orsonic works pretty good. 
@chakster I see what you mean. The clamp you are using would reduce slipping of the record by coupling it laterally to the spindle.  Neat idea. 
I noticed in Youtube videos that technics themselves are using the project puck which is pretty heavy.  are they using the rubber mat or something else?
Gunmetal mat user (Tenuto) on TT-101 here.  I prefer the sound without weight so don't use one.  I have tried and have a couple but unless warped badly, I leave them sit.

Most records pretty darned flt in my experience.