Flaws in this chain?

New to streaming and such. Is there a serious weak link in this chain?:

MacBook Pro with Tidal (hi res)------wireless to-----Apple TV-----toslink to-----Schiit Modi 2 Uber-----RCA cable to----Line stage.

I know that the Schiit is no great shakes in terms of a DAC but is there any other serious limitation in the chain? Thanks.

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Just try the iFi SPDIF iPurifier for $150 on Amazon. You can return it if it does not make a difference.  I use two of them for my home theater.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

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Get an iFi DSD nano , can do DSD128, MQA, PCM384 and has an earphone amp. Silver color matches you Mac Pro. Portable. SQ is amazing. I drive my BeyerDynamic DT990 250ohm and produce amazing sound. Very cost effective if you use it in your office or on traveling.