Herron VTPH-2A vs Rogue Ares Magnum

Hello all!

For some time I've been thinking of buying "my last phono stage". Not necessarily in a literal sense, but I'm sure you get my point: a really good phono stage that'll keep me happy for years. The VTPH-2A and the Ares Magnum are the two I've boiled it down to, both because they're priced at levels I'm comfortable paying and because every review I've read has been overwhelmingly positive.

The thing is, while I can hear the Ares (non-Magnum) for myself, I can't hear the VTPH-2A and I have a sneaking suspicion the latter is the better phono stage (based entirely on what I've read).

So the question is: have any of you guys and girls hear both of these and can you give me an opinion on the two? I'd be very grateful for any insight you can supply.

- B
Just picked up my brand new Herron VTPH-2A and got it initially setup. Nothing too fancy; I just ripped out the Electro Harmonix 12AT7 and 12AX7’s in favor of pairs of Telefunken smooth & ribbed plates 12AX7 (to get a bit extra gain with 4x 12AX7). I forgot I just received Mullard 12AT7 from Upscale, so I just left in the Yugo Ei 12AT7, lol. Running the Shelter Accord, MC mode, 500 ohms loading plugs.

Definitely no bad surprises or whammies from 1st needle drop. In fact, it just obviously sounds so beautiful and "right" from the very 1st note. Very detailed, dynamic, smooth and spacious. I'm pretty certain I already prefer it to the Ares Magnum haha. It seems to have woken up this still-breaking-in Shelter by the right amount. And I still have my "best" NOS tubes waiting on deck.

Keith shipped quicker than he initially quoted, and just generally was exceedingly pleasant and super to deal with! Now for some burn in, then longer term evaluations. Then it gets a shot in the big 2ch rig! Big freaking thumbs up so far, guys. Have a great weekend!
Haha, it is SO much better than the Rogue Ares Magnum. No comparison. Girlfriend agrees 110%. I may have a slight ground loop issue of some sort, but even with that it's plain just a champion. 
It’s going to get a lot better.
Mine just keeps on getting more musical. Listening to highway 61 revisited and blood on the tracks last night was an out-of-body experience.

I’ve never rolled tubes in the Herron... in fact I haven't even played with the loading plugs it sounds so good. 
Thanks @jmolsberg - your direct comparison of Ares to Herron, in favor of the latter, was so relevant to me and finally put me over the edge to put down my cash.

I’ve been a high-fi enthusiast for over 15 years now, churned through truckloads of gear, and was genuinely stunned at what I heard last night. I heard music in a way I’ve never heard before, in any system. Easily the best headphone system I’ve heard in my life. The Ares was holding back the Shelter Accord/Stax 009/S and Stax T2 amp. The Herron blew open their potential. Musicality, detail, dynamics, and 3D soundstage all pegged to "11" out of 10. No SUT ratios to mess with, either.

I’m used to mediocre gear getting shamelessly shilled online, but that’s DEFINITELY not the case here. In fact, you guys are kinda jerks because the VTPH-2A is even better than you made it sound :)

Tonight I hope to try the Herron in my big rig, directly against my $14.4K phono stage. It’s rightfully fearing for its life right now. Wish I’d heard the Herron a year ago. There's a distinct possibility I'll own two of these soon.

Any of you guys curious or on the fence - just call Keith now, just do it.
Well little update...the VAC is still earning its place in the big rig after the first round, for now. But running at 3x the price of the Herron! Happily running in the Herron in the Stax rig, very awesome! The aforementioned hum noise appears to be some interaction with the Stax T2 amp (60dB on gain on that amp itself). The Herron has been quiet as a mouse on the other 2 rigs I've tried it. 

Gonna try again in the big rig after burn-in!