Is My Onkyo Receiver's Tuner Dead or Just Playing Posum?

Tried using the AM/FM tuner in my Onkyo TX-SR876 home theater receiver but getting no sound. I called Onkyo tech support but the best they could tell me is: "Try a different antenna". This tuner has worked in the past (Las Vegas) but I had a clean line-of-sight to Black Mountain broadcasting antennas. I know this is a shot in the dark but maybe an Onkyo wizard will read and suggest a fix? Can't believe the tuner would just konk out...
 Yes, it's funny the thing just conked out. I really enjoyed the digital-radio feature of this receiver. I may be rearranging my HT room which will let me take the Onkyo outside for a clean signal. Then I'll know for sure.
 P.S. In Vegas, I had a clear line-of-sight to the Black Mountain transmitters (in Henderson). Regards
FWIW, I doubt signal strength is the issue.  Even the weakest signal should unmute the FM muting.

I have a different problem with my Integra DHC80.1.  The Internet Radio has stopped working, after working fine since new 8-10 years ago.  Everything else works fine.  Any ideas anyone?
I tried using the radio next to a window, with two antennas (AM/FM) and zilch, nada, nothing. Tried headphones -nothing. The tuner seems to be working so the amp section must be bad (or it's something simple I haven't found yet). Still works great with movies and TV, however.