Shunyata Hydra 2

Any benefit for dvd player?

If one performs a quick google search of *user* reports (the only thing that matters here) and compare what people who actually used the Audio Power Wedge have to say with what those who have actually used the Hydra have to say, the truth about these devices becomes more clear. Btw, I happen to have an Audio Power Wedge I now use as a doorstop in the garage because no one will buy it or even pay to have it shipped.

Shunyata's service and satisfaction guarantee are unsurpassed in the audio industry. Additionally, the resale value of all Shunyata products is equaled only by the likes of Audio Research and Wilson. There is a clear reason that thousands of people continue to pay top dollar for used Shunyata conditioners: they work as advertised.

I am not a dealer, just a very satisfied, long-time user of this company's highly respected products.